Permit Drawing Narrative

See example A and example B for examples of how we are doing our permit drawings now.

ESO Guidance: 401/404 Permit Drawing Levels/Layers

In an effort to improve consistency and more accurately depict impacts to streams and wetlands on permit drawings ESO Permitting Division is implementing new standards for permit drawings. For all future permit applications, permit drawings will rely on a reduced number of line levels from the roadway/bridge design file.

The entire JD project boundary should be shown at a large scale with "no impact" indicated for WOUS that have been avoided and then detailed drawings are included only for the impact areas (see example A). The detailed drawings should only include information pertinent to the WOUS impacts (roadway, culvert, riprap, JD lines, etc). Right of way lines should no longer be shown and the Project Boundary from the JD should replace it as the Permit Limits. Also, the toe of slope and NPDES lines should be used to create your impact area polygons, but then these layers should be turned off.

Specifically, SCDOT requires the following items (at minimum) to be depicted on permit drawings:

  • Existing roadway
  • Existing bridge
  • Existing centerline
  • Proposed roadway
  • Proposed bridge
  • Proposed centerline
  • Roadway station numbers
  • Proposed Bridge Construction Areas
  • Bridge Plan/Profile
  • Proposed Construction limits -- areas of proposed cut/fill activities
  • Clearing limits -- area between NPDES line and construction limits; Bridge Construction Access areas
  • Proposed pipes or culverts in wetlands/streams
  • Proposed riprap in wetlands/streams
  • Labeled cross sections -- include label and stationing on the cross section sheet
  • Permit Limits -- JD project boundary
  • Existing Railroads

ESO Permitting Coordinators must recognize that each project is unique and that additional items may be required to accurately depict the proposed impacts for a specific project. Do NOT add extra information unless you have coordinated with the SCDOT Permitting Manager.

The SCDOT CADD Standards Manual, pages 25-37, provides the level name and a short description. Additionally, pages 215-220 provide Environmental specific standards for design.

Examples of line levels that may be used to depict existing/proposed road or bridge features and levels used to determine impact locations:

  • RD_PD_ALT1_TrvlWay
  • RD_PD_Bridge
  • RD_PD_CstnLmt
  • RD_PD_DR_ErosCtrl
  • RD_HC_Data_Tic
  • RD_EX_Bridge
  • RD_EX_Conc
  • RD_EX_RailRoad
  • RD_EX_Road
  • RD_HC_Cl
  • RD_PD_DR_Pipe
  • For consistency with permit drawings, the following colors and hatching should be used:

    • Roadway – HTML #D5D8DC RGB 213, 230, 250
    • Stream – #566573 86, 101, 115
    • Open Water – left hatching
    • Wetlands – crow’s feet/wetland
    • Critical Area – corn stalk/marsh grass
    • Permanent Stream Fill (including riprap) – #002366 0, 35, 102
    • Stream Pipe/culvert – #89CFF0 137, 207, 240
    • Temporary Stream Fill – #E6E6FA 230, 230, 250
    • Permanent Wetland Fill (including riprap) – #90EE90 144, 238, 144
    • Temporary Wetland fill – #3CB371 60, 179, 113
    • Clearing – #FFFF00FF 255, 255, 0
    • Permanent Tidal Wetland fill – #FF00FF 255,0, 255
    • Temporary Tidal Wetland fill – #FFC0CB 255, 192, 203

    Other colors (orange, red, purple, etc) may be used as needed for other less common impacts such as "Stream Morphological", "Shading (tidal)", etc. Only WOUS impacts should be colored while non-impacted areas should remain greyscale. (See example B)